Other options look and sound faster, but they’re not.
Are you looking for a quick win or for long-term results? When you don’t have confidence in your organization’s direction and ability to achieve big goals, you’re usually focused on the quick win.
Quick wins have their place. They feel good; they can give you that dopamine shot you need to keep going and feel like you’re accomplishing something. But going for the quick win is a reactive, not strategic, approach. If all you’re doing is chasing quick wins, you’re likely to never get where you want to go.
In a way, strategy gives you the vision to see where you’re going. You’ll still make missteps, but it’s the difference between trying to get through a forest with your eyes closed and trying to do so with your eyes open. With strategy to guide you, you can ask the right questions about that forest, adjust to what you learn, and pivot to get out of the woods faster.